IDOLRICH THEATRE presents a new performance using shadow puppetry, hand puppets and projection FIELD of ASPHODEL. The show follows the story of the abduction of Persephone by Hades into the underworld which originally illustrated the creation of summer and winter in Greek mythology but which is designed to resonate with the disaster at Chernobyl in 1986 though reference and quotes from survivors and witnesses at the time.
FIELD of ASPHODEL will kick off with showings at venues along the south coast including The Foundry in Lewes and Rye Church on 4th and 10th June and colleges in Hastings and Bexhill High with its brand new theatre, with dates and further details to be announced.
IDOLRICH - known for ground breaking and issue based performances using puppetry, performs nationally as well as internationally in countries including Minsk and Brest in Belarus where “The Model” was prizewinning nominee at Belaya Vezha festival of theatre in Brest.
“ Breathtaking “ “Beautifully handled puppets.”
The production will be directed by John Roberts of Puppetcraft with Samuel Dutton and include puppeteers Julia McLean and dance artist, Yumino Seki from Japan. Music comes from Martin Ngunzi and east European cello and voice by Anna Helena Hildebrandt and intriguing stage settings are by Peter Quinnell.
The performance will be followed by a discussion of issues arising from the Chernobyl disaster (taking into consideration recent events in Japan) and our energy future. The company want to take the production as far afield as possible and are open for invitations to perform throughout Britain.